Faith Formation for Children

At 14th Street, we are committed to caring for kids and partnering with parents to help raise children and teens who love God. We have a vision for lifelong faith formation. We want all children, teens, and adults to grow in their faith and be able to say:

  • I Belong to Christ and to this congregation.

  • I Know the stories of God and his people as told in the Bible.

  • I have Hope since Jesus died for me. That hope is eternal.

  • I am Called and Equipped by God to renew this world everyday.



Although every child of any age is welcome in our sanctuary to worship with us, We do have a nursery available for young children. Every Sunday, our nursery is staffed by adult and youth volunteers for both the AM and the PM worship services. Although prepared with children ages 0-3 in mind, some children need this space for a little bit longer. If you’re not sure where your child fits bests, Please contact our Nursery Team by using our Contact Form. We’d love to help find a place that meets their needs.

Children's worship

Children’s Worship provides a special place for children three years old to 4thgrade to worship in a manner appropriate for their age and ability. Children hear and respond to the stories of God and his people and pray for each other.

Children are dismissed during the morning worship service to go to the Worship Centers located in the back hallway. Classes have two to ten children, one adult leader, and a middle school helper. (3rd and 4th graders have just one adult leader.) Parents are asked to pick up their children ages three years old to Kindergarten from the classrooms after morning worship.

Children’s Worship for three years old to 2nd grade is held every Sunday from the week after Labor Day in September to the end of June with time off on the weekend of Thanksgiving, between Christmas and New Years, Easter and Spring Break.  3rd and 4th grade meet approximately every other Sunday from September to May. (This is noted in the weekly bulletin.)  Questions? Contact Beth Cooke, Director of Children’s Ministries.


Sunday SChool

Sunday School is a time for learning about the Bible as well as a time to build relationships in our congregation. We meet before worship on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. from the second Sunday after Labor Day to the last Sunday in March with a short break for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Children three years old to 2nd grade begin with singing time upstairs, in the classroom behind the balcony. They then go to a lesson with their teacher. 3rd to 6th graders being by singing in the Fellowship Hall before meeting with their classroom leaders. 7th and 8th graders meet in room 13 upstairs behind the balcony. 9th Grade to 12th grade meet in rooms 2 and 3 and the adults gather in the community room. Through creative ways, we are learning about God’s story together and how we are a part of it!

We use a variety of materials from Faith Alive Resources. Walk With Me is used in the three-year-old class. Preschool to 6thgrade use the Dwell curriculum. 7th and 8th grade uses Walk With Me. 9th to 12 grade focuses on the Heidelberg catechism, the Belgic confessions, church history and other topics.  Questions? Contact Beth Cooke, Director of Children’s Ministries.


Boys’ Club – A Mid-Week Program for Boys

Boys’ Club is for boys in grades 3-8.  The boys meet with leaders two Wednesdays a month September through April from 7:00-8:30 p.m. A Boys’ Club meeting includes Bible study, crafts, work, and games. Other special events are planned throughout the year, including sledding and the pinewood derby.

JOY Club – A Mid-Week Program for Girls

JOY (Jesus, Others, You) Club is for girls in grades 3 to 8. The girls meet with leaders two Wednesdays a month September through April from 7:00-8:30 p.m.  A JOY Club meeting includes crafts, Bible study/lesson, and social time. Other special events are planned throughout the year, including a Christmas party at Teusink’s Pony Farm and the pinewood derby.